I'm an Engineering Manager and AI Specialist at IBM, a published author, and a Web entrepreneur.
I'm passionate about programming, AI, and entrepreneurship. My hobbies include photography and fishing. Oh, and I'm running a chess experiment.
Personal | Professional |
I was born and raised in Italy, but I've been in Canada for almost 20 years and I'm a Canadian citizen. | I work for the Skills Network at IBM as an Engineering Manager and AI Specialist. |
In 2016, I lost virtually everything to an arson fire. I'm grateful for being able to recover quickly, emotionally and otherwise. | I was a very early adopter of .NET, Rails, Django, and Elixir/Phoenix. |
I'm a humanist who believes in science and reason. | I've been called the guy who brought Rails, Django, and Elixir to IBM. |
My hobbies include fishing, photography, and reading (among others). | In 2009, I authored Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers for Wrox. |
I love cycling, boating, and the outdoors in general. | In 2012, I authored Technical Blogging for The Pragmatic Bookshelf. In 2019, I published its second edition which is now also available as an audiobook (including on Audible). |
I love a wide range of music and am a bit of an audiophile. | I'm the Marketing Lead for CognitiveClass.ai, a site I co-founded and helped grow to over 3 Million learners worldwide. |
In 2017, I completed a 365 photo project without skipping a single day. | I love taking online courses. |
I like and I'm knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness, despite my struggle with both. At some point, I was an ISSA Certified Nutritionist. | For many years, I wrote a regular column for the PragPub magazine. |
I'm on a mission to improve myself. I believe in grit and personal responsibility. | I founded and eventually sold Math Blog. |
I love animals and have a beautiful French bulldog named Lottie. My lab-mix dog Annie lives with my ex-wife. | I'm into chatbots and AI. My courses on AI virtual assistants and prompt engineering are well reviewed and have been taken by well over 300,000 people. |